When the broadcast radio was invented in the 1900s, people pitch "teleporting a teacher into the classroom".
When TV was invented in the 1930s, some says it's the end for classroom teachers.
Since the 2010s, we have AR/VR, are we associating teachers to dinosaurs yet?
Technology doesn't disrupt everything. Instead, the crux is about how we learn, the effectiveness of the various mode of knowledge delivery, and how technology can be a better substitute for existing media. In Education, we need to understand the Learning Pyramid.
Often I see digital learning management systems (LMS) claiming to substitute the role of educators. Personally, I see it more as an educational aid, allowing educators to focus on delivering the message, demonstration, stimulating discussion, helping learning understand and retain knowledge.
When a digital education platform or LMS pitches the replacement of educators, I get confused, suspected that the proposal does not understand education or the fundamental job-to-be-done.